Friday, May 22, 2009

Yogurt guy dies

The NYTimes reports that Daniel Carasso, "who helped turn yogurt from an obscure ethnic food into an international staple through the Danone brand in Europe and Dannon in the United States," died at his home in Paris at age 103. (Wow. That is old. I will eat more yogurt, I think.)

<-- Yogurt tycoon.
The obituary continues:
"The Danone brand owes nearly everything to Mr. Carasso, including its name. When his father, Isaac, created the yogurt in Barcelona in 1919, he named it after his son, whose nickname in Catalan was Danon, or Danny."

In tribute to Danon, this post is about yogurt.

- Yogurt and women
- Yogurt and men (um. ok.)
- Yogurt and a chubby cat
- What flavor yogurt are you? Quiz time. (I am peach, if you are interested.)
- Make your own yogurt (It is shockingly easy. Shockingly.)
- Greek yogurt in the NYTimes Magazine (includes great recipes)

Homemade yogurt

I am putting this down here, because it is a very bad joke:
Two cartons of yogurt walk into a bar. The bartender, who is a tub of cottage cheese says, "We don't serve your kind here." One of the yogurts replies, "Why not? We're cultured individuals."

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