Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wok this way...

I did not have high hopes for dinner tonight. I looked in the pantry:

(rummage, rummage)

(root, root, rummage)


WHO PUT SARDINES IN MY CUPBOARD?! Bleh! Time to check the fridge... where I found random vegetables. Celery, carrots, and a zucchini. This was so sad to me. But luckily I own a wok.

You should get a wok. They are cheap and easy to find. They take up lots of room - this is true, but that is a small dilemma, really.

Ok, there are some rules to wokking.

First rule: Use strategery when chopping. Chop the vegetables that will take longer in wee-er slices. You also add them sooner.

Second rule: Heat the wok up first - without oil in it. After it is ever-so-slightly smoking (it is scary, I know.) you put the oil in. Do not use olive oil - use peanut oil or vegetable oil. Oh, and keep heat pretty high while you wok.

Third rule: Add the "aromatics" first. This means garlic, or ginger, or... um... garlic... um.

Fourth rule: Your vegetables go in next and they must be dry. You will feel silly, but after you chop up your vegetables, you must towel them off. I am not kidding. If you don't, you'll get a surprise. A bad one.

Fifth rule: Sauces go in last. Swish, swish.

Sixth rule: Ahhhhnom nom nom nom!!! I added a dash of salt and some toasted sesame seeds and a fried (M)eggie. Then, I brushed a wee bit of salted sesame oil on sheets of dried seaweed and nommed them on the side.
---happy dance!---


Unknown said...

nom nom nom!

Anonymous said...

Please don't ever delete these nom posts lest I starve from culinary deficiencies ;_; I'm doing to need all the cooking help I can get!

k8inorbit said...

Ahh, but is yours a flat bottomed wok or a round bottomed one? I've got an ancient round one that I've been using since, like, 1999 and I really just want to give it up and buy a flat bottomed one.

Heh. Also, I use olive oil. I KNOW, I KNOW. I'm offending every cooking god ever, but I use it in everything even baking (most of the time). :P