Thursday, May 28, 2009

Turkish fig + fresh goat cheese = NOM

Very easy and delicious. Cheese and fig are my new favorite flavor pairing.

Ingredients (although that is perhaps a strong term for this ridiculously simple nom):
- 1 baguette
- fresh, soft goat cheese
- a few dried, Turkish figs (you can get these in the bulk aisle of Whole Foods)
- some thin slices of pear

Optional additions:
- BACON!!! (what isn't better with bacon?)
- fresh mint sprigs
- prosciutto (if you want to be fancier-pants about it)

Also, here is a great recipe for "Ricotta Thumbprint Cookies with Fig Jam, Honey & Pistachios" - courtesy of Very Small Anna ("I’m Anna. I’m small. I like making pastries, drawing, grocery shopping, eating fruit, drinking tea and hanging out with my tortoise, Bowser.") <-- Awesome.


Steve Chasey said...

Damn, that sounds tasty. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to go to the canadian version of whole foods (capers) and see if I can get a hold of the figs...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention! Us small people need to stick together (so we can rise up and defeat the tall people...shhh...)

RMD said...

I adore figs! Where'd you get that fancy fig jam?

Megan McCabe said...

Haha! I've used the homemade fig preserves! We still had some left over from the wedding!!

ellen. said...

i always enjoyed fresh figs stuffed with goat cheese and chives. om nom nom nom.