Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Soup of failure

Perhaps I was overly cavalier, having just come off my great success with kalbi on the grill last weekend... I decided to try this recipe from "The Crepes of Wrath" blog, for crock pot Korean-style ribs. Pride do cometh before the fall.... um, -eth...

The recipe was easy. My hamster could have done it. I dumped the ingredients in before work, turned that puppy on low and headed out, dreaming of glorious ribs for dinner. When I came home, I had a charred yet gooey and oddly - even disturbingly - delicious-smelling pile of gunk in a pot.

I will not lie to you. I tried to eat it. I was sad and I was hungry. I had had a long day.

<-- NOT what they looked like.

But I stopped after two noms. This is what I think I did wrong: I cut the recipe down because I wanted only one or two servings. This is not a good idea when you have a big-ass crock pot. All the ingredients spread out and there was not enough liquid for the meat to stew in. (Hmph. I need either a smaller crock pot... or a family, I suppose.)

Anyway, meanwhile, in a fit of grouchy petulance, I had decided to make some soup using whatever I had around. This amounted to:

- a few cups of organic vegetable stock
- a shallot, sliced
- a few cloves of garlic, minced
- a nugget of fresh ginger the size of, hm... my pinky toe, I'd say
- some dried white beans
- oyster sauce
- soy sauce
- yellow baby carrots, sliced
- a tin of water chestnuts
- some fresh chives
- some fresh basil
- a scallion, sliced

I sauteed the garlic and ginger in a bit of olive oil, then added the shallot and the whites of the scallion. Then, I added the carrots and water chestnuts and very quickly sauteed everything.

Then, still very grumpy, I added everything to a pot of boiling vegetable stock plus a couple cups of water. I added the dried white beans (about 1 cup) and a couple tablespoons of oyster sauce and soy sauce. I brought it all to a boil for a few minutes, then covered it and let it simmer.

A couple hours passed. These were mostly taken up by laundry and, humiliatingly, scrubbing the charred stuff out of my crock pot. I went back to my soup after a bit and felt sad ("IS NOT RIBS!")... I tasted it and... the broth was delicious! But, it was still lacking. A little bland. A little not-rib-like.

And then I had an idea - which was to shred whatever good meat I had retrieved from the failed ribs (still sitting, spurned, on a plate of sadness on the table) into the soup! Cue the music! I even added a not-too-charred-looking bone for flavor -- the result was.....

NOMMmmm nom nom nom nom!

The take-away here? --- If at first you don't succeed, fail, fail again (and then combine your failures!)


jook said...

yo, to let you know, I do read some of your postings, and this evening my bro and I read it as we ate our pasta. (after reading nytimes about how the North Korean leader's first son may be out of the running for dictatorship after wanting to see Tokyo disneyland, anyway.) Alex's comment: "she's a good blogger... it's surprisingly well written for a blog, written in an intelligent way, and has jokes that can still bring the reader in." i'm just the messenger. if i knew u liked cooking korean, we could have tried our hand at it. at least amusing... why does this site know my email address? um... hm.

Anonymous said...

You'll definitely need to teach me your skills of salvation :)

Megan McCabe said...

Hey, JJ -
Thanks for the comment (And to your bro, too) Makes me happy :)
I have only just discovered this cooking thing... we'll have to try some time... I think that, together, we have the potential for both incredible disaster and stunning success... (oh. and injury. either way.)
- M