Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cute stuff

My sister got me the cutest book. It is called "Cute Dolls" (see? I told you it was cute) by Aranzi Aronzo. The book is part of the "Let's Make Cute Stuff" series. It teaches you how to make... uh... cute stuff (I have never written the word "cute" so many times in so few sentences before. I wonder if it is bad for me.)

Yes. The book is for children. I know.

Next to the pictures of the lil animals you can make are captions to explain them:

"Munky is a foreign monkey.
It's not Monkey, it's Munky.
He gets upset if you don't pronounce it properly.
Munky likes banaNAS. Not baNAnas.
He gets upset if you don't pronounce it properly."

"Pinkie is pink.
She's plump and flutters her eyelashes.
She loves pink.
She also loves flowers.
Actual gender and species unclear.
'Pinkie is pink.' That's all you need to know."


Anonymous said...

Those are indeed very cute... Are you planning on making any of them?

Anonymous said...

goethe likes it.