Friday, June 26, 2009

Meow vs. Meow @ Fort Reno

I saw a band called "Meow vs. Meow" play music last night. It was in a park and there were lots of toddler-children and dogs and picnic blankets. What larks!

((In re: "Meow vs. Meow," I am 100% sure that Meow came out on top (hyuck, hyuck)...))


Yes. It is true. I have "meow"- appropriate garb.

Yay! There they are! Musical meows!

And then the alien glow worms flew by to listen.

And this is what I look like to alien glow worm eyeballs:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That indeed is a very cute dress! And I like how Meow vs. Meow chalked their name and concert details on the stage :)