Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birffday, Steve

Oh, hai! Today I am blogging cuz Megan is trapped somewhere she said it is called "paper hell" but I don't know what she is talking about because she likes papers it always seemed to us, she has so many of them all over the floor.

Anyway, we wanted to make a birffday cake with some ingredients we were thinking about. Maybe tuna and treats, which are our favorite flavors. But then Not-Andy made the plan get messed up because he found this box and I said no, but he said yes, let's not make the cake anymore, let's play in the box.

This is what he sounds like all the time with his little cat noises. I told him if you don't bake this birffday cake with me, I will show the world your little voice. And, ok, he said fine I don't care. But I also didn't tell him I was going to say this: THIS IS WHAT HE SOUNDS LIKE IN THE BAFFROOM. LIKE WHEN HE IS USING THE LITTER BOX! HAHAHA what a nerd!

Anyway, this post is dedicated to Steve, a guy we hear about, I think he has cats so he is a V-I-P is how I would put it. It's his birffday. Like I said, about the cake, it's all Not-Andy's fault. Bai!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cannot stop taking photographs of cats.

"Oh, hai!"

Andy battles a toy bug, momentarily appearing to be in outer space. (Outer space, however, soon reveals itself to be a black futon...)

It appears Andy is victorious. He kangaroo kicks Not-Andy off the couch to celebrate.

Not-Andy is a man of letters. He is a big reader. Oh, I mean - he is a wee big reader.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Not-Andy has been chosen

He is pet of the week in the newspaper. (Here is Andy's pet of the week feature.)

We must attend to his toilette. He is so fuzzy; there is much to attend to.

I am giggling uncontrollably in the background that "He looks like Martin Van Buren..."

Which he did. A little.